
USP 232/233 im体育APPal Impurities FAQs: Part 2

1月1日起, 2018, both generic and branded drug products must meet the industry guidance published by the US 食物 and Drug Administration (FDA) regarding elemental impurities.

The permitted daily exposure (PDE) limits, along with procedures for the screening and quantification of potentially toxic metal impurities, have been defined in the United States Pharmacopeia (USP) <232> and <233> chapters, as well as in the International Council for Harmonization (ICH) Q3D guidelines for elemental impurities testing in drug products.

Heavy metal impurities present serious risks to the health of patients and furthermore, 没有治疗效果. Time-to-market can be delayed if biopharmaceutical products are non-compliant with regulations, including the requirements set within USP <232> and <233>. In the second installment of this two-part series of articles, the most frequently asked technical questions on the subject of elemental impurities testing are answered.

Does a method need to be developed for elemental impurities, or can a standard method be run for USP <232>/<233> metals testing?

To account for the variations in drug product matrices, analytical method development is needed. Method development activities include the determination of the metal extraction method, 灵敏度浓度, and verification of suitability for target metals and matrices, resulting in an analytical method tailored to the specific drug product, that will produce the most accurate results. im体育APP’s scientists can perform “screens” for metals using semi-quantitative methods. 要了解更多, 与专家取得联系.

Is method validation required for USP <232> and <233>?

一般, method validation is performed if metals are found to be close enough to the USP/ICH level causing concern. Methods are validated in accordance with USP <232>/<233> for accuracy, 精度, 特异性, 定量极限, 范围和线性度.

Can multiple metals be analyzed in the same run or by the same method?

是的. im体育APP’s scientists can quantify up to 64 metals in a single run with the correct setup and correction factors. 然而, we typically analyze anywhere from 7 to 24 metals based on the specific needs of our clients.

What if just sample analysis services are needed, as a method has been previously developed and validated?

通过设计, im体育APP’s process allows for additional samples to be analyzed in the future, 使用先前验证过的程序.

How are acceptable limits determined for each metal in a finished drug product?

The metal limits are calculated based on the maximum daily dosage (MDD) and the permitted daily exposure (PDE) based on the route of administration. Metals levels have been harmonized across USP and ICH organizations. im体育APP’s regulatory and scientific experts can assist in establishing and justifying limits for novel, 或未被确认的, 给药途径.

Which metals are typically found above the USP/ICH limits for elemental impurities?

In the past, we have found both Ni (nickel) and Cu (copper) above the USP/ICH limits. 一般, contaminants present from either the raw materials or the manufacturing process can severely impact the quality of the finished product. In these instances, im体育APP can assist in determining sources of contamination.

If one or more metals exceed limits or fails during USP <232>/<233> testing, how can im体育APP help?

im体育APP has expertise in other areas of pharmaceutical analysis and Chemistry, 制造业, CMC (and Controls)测试. Our consultative teams of knowledgeable scientists can help identify sources of contamination, including with extractables and leachables studies per USP <1663>/<1664>. 作为标准E的一部分&L研究, we will look for extractable metals which may be contaminating the drug product resulting from contact with manufacturing line components, as well as the final container-closure system.

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im体育APPal Impurity 测试 and Analysis

im体育APP’s trace metal laboratories provide expert elemental impurities testing and analysis in compliance with USP and ICH Q3D guidelines to ensure the safety of drugs and drug products.

Pharmaceutical 测试 scientific equipment


im体育APP is a recognized world-leader in trace metal analysis, providing testing for elemental impurities by ICPOES and ICPMS in compliance with USP, EP (2.4.20),以及ICH Q3D指南.

Pharmaceutical 测试 Extractables and Leachables


im体育APP's extractables and leachables studies offer tailored solutions that ensure patient safety and compliance with industry standards.



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